The Minoo Residential Town, located in Minushahr, Iran, is a groundbreaking residential project designed by MIES Studio that harmonizes modern design with the natural coastal environment. This innovative town features a minimalist aesthetic inspired by organic forms and the flowing contours of the surrounding landscape, offering a serene and sustainable living experience.

The architecture is defined by its fluid, wave-like structures that create a seamless connection between the built environment and the natural surroundings. These unique forms not only provide an eye-catching visual appeal but also enhance functionality by optimizing natural ventilation and passive cooling, making the town ideal for its coastal setting.

The layout emphasizes community living while ensuring privacy, with wide, tree-lined streets that foster social interaction and connectivity. The integration of palm trees and greenery throughout the development creates a lush and tranquil atmosphere, while the proximity to the sea offers residents breathtaking views and access to the waterfront.

The Minoo Residential Town showcases MIES Studio’s ability to design spaces that prioritize sustainability, innovation, and aesthetic excellence. This project sets a new standard for residential developments in coastal areas, combining functionality, beauty, and a profound respect for nature.